Required Reading
Please be advised that to undertake field or laboratory work at SPRUCE facilities in Grand Rapids, MN, the Research Safety Summary and the SPRUCE Facilities Orientation are required reading. These two resources are provided below.
- Participants must complete the required reading and submit the Acknowledgement Form (at the bottom of this page) before they can begin work.
- SPRUCE Operations Staff will verify completion of this requirement.
- Casual visitors (non-participants) are not required to read the RSS. The Facilities Orientation is very highly recommended.
SPRUCE Research Safety Summary
The most recent RSS was downloaded from ORNL Research Hazard Analysis and Control System (RHACS) on August 20, 2018.
This copy is provided below for the convenience of non-ORNL collaborating participants. Please note:
- The embedded links in the RSS document are unavailable outside of the ORNL RHACS system.
- Forest Service JHAs (ORNL annotated) and additional SPRUCE attachments to the RSS are provided as separate files below.
- Non-ORNL collaborators must read these documents and submit the Acknowledgement Form to meet the SPRUCE required reading requirement.
- If you have any questions about accessing the RSS and attachments, please use the Contact link.
Read SPRUCE Research Safety Summary
SPRUCE Facilities Orientation
The Orientation provides site-specific information for Participants and Visitors of the SPRUCE research facilities.
- You will find everything you need to know and to do (or don’t do!) to have a safe and productive SPRUCE experience.
- Including: SPRUCE Staff Contacts, Facility Access Information, Shipping Addresses, WiFi Connections, and Emergency Contacts.
- It’s all about communication and collaboration to facilitate our shared scientific endeavors.
Read SPRUCE Facilities Orientation
Research Safety Summary Attachments
Optional for Collaborators
Acknowledge completion of Required Reading
Please click this button to submit your acknowledgement.