SPRUCE Whole Ecosystems Warming (WEW) Environmental Data Beginning August 2015
This data set provides a record of the half-hourly averages of automated environmental data collected for 12 SPRUCE plots (4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, and 21) beginning during deep peat heating (DPH) and continuing throughout the whole ecosystem warming (WEW) manipulations for the SPRUCE Project (Hanson et al. 2017). In August 2015, WEW was initiated at 5 warming levels (+0, +2.25 +4.5, +6.75 and +9 °C) with 2 plots per warming level. DPH measurements were underway before the initiation of WEW heating treatments and both are expected to operate through 2025. This current version includes data from 2014 through 2024.
This data set includes 15 data files provided in comma separated (*.csv) format: 12 individual data files for each of the monitored SPRUCE plots, two data files corresponding to figures from Hanson et al. (2017) that support key analyses of the performance of the WEW systems, and one data file containing snow and ice depths.
These data provide environmental measurements collected during the implementation of operational methods to achieve both deep soil heating (0-3 m) and whole-ecosystem warming (WEW) appropriate to the scale of tall-stature, high-carbon, boreal forest peatlands. The methods were developed to allow scientists to provide a plausible set of ecosystem warming scenarios within which immediate and longer term (one decade) responses of organisms (microbes to trees) and ecosystem functions (carbon, water and nutrient cycles) could be measured. Elevated CO2 was also incorporated to test how temperature responses may be modified by atmospheric CO2 effects on carbon cycle processes.
Hanson, P.J., J.S. Riggs, W.R. Nettles, M.B. Krassovski, and L.A. Hook. 2016. SPRUCE Whole Ecosystems Warming (WEW) Environmental Data Beginning August 2015. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TES SFA, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. https://doi.org/10.3334/CDIAC/spruce.032
Friday, October 28, 2016
SPRUCE ID: spruce.032