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Elsa Abs

1. Defrenne CE, Abs E, Cordeiro AL, Dietterich L, Hough M, Jones JM, Kivlin SN, Chen W, Cusack D, Franco ALC, et al. The Ecology Underground coalition: building a collaborative future of belowground ecology and ecologists. New Phytologist. 2021;229(6):3058–3064. doi:10.1111/nph.17163



  1. 1. Defrenne CE, Abs E, Cordeiro AL, Dietterich L, Hough M, Jones JM, Kivlin SN, Chen W, Cusack D, Franco ALC, et al. The Ecology Underground coalition: building a collaborative future of belowground ecology and ecologists. New Phytologist. 2021;229(6):3058–3064. doi:10.1111/nph.17163

An official website of the U.S. Department of Energy and the USDA Forest Service

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