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Xingjie Lu

1. Ma S, Jiang L, Wilson RM, Chanton JP, Bridgham SD, Niu S, Iversen CM, Malhotra A, Jiang J, Lu X, et al. Evaluating alternative ebullition models for predicting peatland methane emission and its pathways via data–model fusion. Biogeosciences. 2022;19(8):2245–2262. doi:10.5194/bg-19-2245-2022



  1. 1. Ma S, Jiang L, Wilson RM, Chanton JP, Bridgham SD, Niu S, Iversen CM, Malhotra A, Jiang J, Lu X, et al. Evaluating alternative ebullition models for predicting peatland methane emission and its pathways via data–model fusion. Biogeosciences. 2022;19(8):2245–2262. doi:10.5194/bg-19-2245-2022

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